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You have escaped the cage
Your wings are spread
Now fly!

I work with the ambitious, moving them from success to greatness to heroic. I am to my clients what sports coaches are to athletes, and my clients are champions. 

I’ve always been a non-conformist forging my own path. From driver to executive assistant to arms dealer to political analyst to consultant to life coach and beyond. I understand the joys and pains of winning and am well versed in the language of success and inner freedom. 

My clients have included a military general, a leading US Hip Hop artist, a top lawyer from South Africa, a billionaire’s daughter and a former Minister from Dubai. Such clients often have a hard time finding a coach that meets them on their level because everyone is afraid to tell them the truth. Not me. I’ll be brutally honest, perhaps the only brutally honest person in your life. The only person that can show you what you can’t see yourself. 

When you first meet with me, it’s alright if you don’t completely believe that you can become who you want to become, because I will believe it for both of us, until you do too!

Most people lead mediocre lives full of regret. Not with me.  

I want you to have total clarity of vision with a clear sense of purpose and meaning, unstoppable confidence in yourself, social mastery, become a remarkable leader and operate on the highest levels of performance possible. 

My fees range from £2,500 upwards and I only work with a select few clients at any given time.

The initial consultation is on me with the purpose for this meeting being: 

  1. To determine whether we have the right chemistry to work together.
  2. For me to fully understand what your wants and needs are.
  3. To discuss our next steps.

Please email aydutton@gmail.com and I will send you my availability promptly.

Confidentiality and discretion are always guaranteed.